Wednesday, March 16, 2011

A Recent Realization

This is a realization that I already knew, but maybe just lost sight of. So it's almost like I've learned it again.

Divide the Sea just got home from a small tour through the southeast. We had a great time, met cool people, had good hang out times, played fun shows, popped a tire, and ate plenty of pizza. But once I got home, I couldn't help feel like my focus was off the whole time. That's when I realized what this is all about.

Being in a band, playing shows, playing music, working hard to pursue goals, trying to find that certain job, making as much money as possible, trying to date someone because they're good looking.........ALL OF THIS IS MEANINGLESS.

If you read the book Ecclesiastes, Solomon, the writer, wrote the very words, "Everything is meaningless" over and over. He talks about desires, pleasures, hard work, etc. and concludes that everything on earth has no meaning and no point except for this one thing: the Fear of God and the keeping of his commands. That's it. There is nothing else.

So how do we fear God and keep his commands? The greatest command is explained in Matthew 22 in these verses, "Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’ 38 This is the first and greatest commandment. 39 And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ 40 All the Law and the Prophets hang on these two commandments.”

And so the realization is this: Unless we are loving God and loving people through the things we do, then what we are doing has no meaning whatsoever.

My life these days is simply music. I basically and literally have either a practice or performance every night of the week. So for my life, if I am not loving God and loving people through my music, then there is no point to what I am doing.

Don't get me wrong, I understand the point of a hobby, and doing things for entertainment, but once you die and you are gone, those things will have no eternal value. Everyone can have a good time at a show, but how much more valuable would that show be if there was love for God and a love for the people involved? It only makes sense to me to use my music for one purpose (which is the only purpose) of loving God and loving people. There is no other reason.

I say all this to plant this question in everyone's mind who reads this: "What's the point?" I believe that if you cannot answer this question with eternal value in mind in regards to the things you do, then there is no point.

If you don't believe in the Bible in the first place, then I'm sure there are tons of arguments you could throw against what I am saying. But I would say consider this: What is every person's common problem? Death. We will all die. Jesus is the only person who claimed to defeat death, and He offers that victory to us. Logically, it makes sense to follow him. Instead of thinking that this is all wrong, consider thinking that it is all right, and then look at the differences.

If you have a question, comment, concern, or argument, feel free to message me and I'll try to answer the best I can. I'm posting this as I continue to learn and grow, I'm not posting this to say I have everything figured out, because I don't. Thanks for reading.

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