Saturday, January 30, 2010

The Peacemaker

Is the middle son really a peacemaker?
Cause I've had my share of war.
But every time a new conflict began,
The casualties made me who I am.

And even if I could
Change what I've been through,
I would choose not to.

Come as you are,
With all your scars.
Give them to Me,
I'll make you clean.
Lay them all down,
Pick up this crown.
Your wounds aren't too deep for Me.

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Free Music for You?

Hello everyone. A long time ago, I wrote some songs just for fun, and I recorded them with a friend to kind of get the songs out of my head and into more of a real format. That was a little more than a year ago. Well I've recently uploaded those on the internet for free download. So if you like slow, soft, I'm-going-to-fall-asleep-to-this type of music, then you might like this stuff. If I had the chance, I would probably go back and change some things in these songs now, but they are what they are. If you have any questions about any of the songs or their lyrics, just let me know and I'll try and answer them. Here is the link if you want this free music:

I hope you enjoy it. Sleep tight.

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Future

"Consider the blameless, observe the upright; there is a future for the man of peace."

-Psalm 37:37

Friday, January 15, 2010

Tour Snippet 2

Well we are coming to the close of this tour. I believe we have three shows left and then we are headed back home. This has been loads of fun times for sure. There are a few new videos up with us doing random things from this tour on YouTube, but I will show them here too!

Episode 5:

Episode 6:

Episode 7:

Episode 8:

On this tour we have met some crazy people. Some of these people told us stories. One of the stories that was told to us, we wrote down so that we would never forget. I have decided to put this certain story on this blog entry for all of you to read. However, I must include a disclaimer. This story did not come from me, and there were a few cuss words in the original telling. This version is the edited version. can read it now, I just wanted everyone to know that I don't advocate some of the language in this.

This man walked up to us as we were loading our trailer after a show and asked for cigarettes. When we told him that none of us smoked and didn't have any, he then proceeded to tell us a story. This is directly quoted from him. Enjoy.

"You know how we beat the Revolutionary 9? First you have to take the square root of an odd number, then you go to hell and you come out. Then you go to hell and come back a few more times. Then you rise up from the ashes like a phoenix, and you bounce off the f***ing moon and turn around and there's a square around Earth. That was the end of the War. But all that is f***ing bull-crap...and Thank God."

After this man told us this story he said, "Alright...yall have a safe trip and God bless." We were completely dumbfounded and amazed. So just in case you are wondering, no...this doesn't make any sense to me either.

I hope you have found some entertainment in this post. Until next time....

Friday, January 8, 2010


There once was a terrible thing that happened in my life. Because of this event, I was forced to reckon with and consider parts of life that before had only been something that happened on the news or in the movies. Death. Death is without a doubt the most bizarre thing to think about. Everyone must face it; no one likes to think about it; it's scary, yet intriguing; there is no escape from it; and it is never truly comprehensible. When death hits close to home, it raises countless questions. One of these questions for me is the question of understanding. Many people have told me, "You may never understand why." Others say, "God can tell you why if he wants to, but he doesn't have to." My question is - Why am I supposed to accept that I can't understand? But then someone showed a verse of the Bible to me. It says, "What I do you do not realize now, but you will understand hereafter" (John 13:7). In context, this verse is referring to the time when Jesus washed the disciples feet at the Lord's supper, and Christ was alluding to the time when he would be betrayed and taken to the cross to die and then be raised 3 days later. I had heard/read this before, but in regards to what I was facing, this verse hit me in the face. God tells me that I may not know now, but I will be able to understand later. I do not have to accept that I may never understand, but I have to know that God will reveal his perfect understanding to me when he is ready to do so. Patience. By the way, what is humanity's greatest problem? Death. Why not follow the one person who conquered it?

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Tour Snippet 1

As you can read in my "about me" section, I do play guitar in the band Divide the Sea. We have recently signed to Blood and Ink Records and we are going to release our first full length album entitled "MAN" on January 26, 2010.

We are currently on tour right now traveling through the southeast and we are having a lot of fun. We brought a friend with us, Jacob Lawter, and he has been filming, editing, and posting videos of our tour on YouTube. You can visit his YouTube page by clicking here. These videos are titled "Divide the Sea is World Tour" and are labeled by episode numbers. If you don't feel like leaving this page, however, you can watch the videos here!

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

I'm sure most of you won't sit here and watch all of these at once, but if you did then that's cool. I'll more than likely be updating this blog with further snippets of our tour along with more videos and pictures. If you want to, you can got to the Divide the Sea YouTube channel and watch other Divide the Sea videos from previous shows and tours. See yall later.

My First Blog Ever

I've never really been too interested in blogging, but I realized there were sometimes certain thoughts I would like to simply "throw out" there that were either too long for Twitter and Facebook, or I just didn't want those thoughts to show up in the home page of all the popular social networking sites. This way I can "throw" those thoughts out there and if you want to you can read them, and if not, that's totally fine with me. I felt like this was simply a lot less pushy as far as social networking goes. If you disagree with anything I say or you have questions or comments, feel free to contact me through Facebook, Twitter, email me at, or post a comment below.